
The bridge is an async way of communicating between python and java. It's based partially on this talk Alexander Kotliarskyi - React Native: Under the Hood | YGLF2015. Using an async bridge keeps the slowness of python and from blocking the UI. It is essentially a python <-> native rpc interface that allows python to create, update, and delete Java/ObjC objects and listen to events and results those objects create. Instead of using JSON (like react-native) it uses msgpack, since msgpack is significantly faster in python.

This uses a different approach than pyjnius which creates all of these fields for you automatically via reflection. The tradeoff here is speed. Even when you cache and recreate jnius classes it is still significantly slower in object creation and method calling than the bridge approach used here (we're talking several orders of magnitude slower). The bridge was designed to have as little overhead as possible. All bridge objects are implemented using the Atom framework's Properties which is implemented in c++ and has minimal memory overhead.


The Android bridge is implemented in three files:

  1. com.codelv.enamlnative.Bridge in Java
  2. in Python
  3. enamlnative.core.bridge in Python


In python, define a subclass of JavaBridgeObject and declare the JavaMethods, JavaFields, and JavaCallbacks you need. For example:

Example 1 - Defining Java objects using the bridge

class ArrayAdapter(JavaBridgeObject):
    __nativeclass__ = 'android.widget.ArrayAdapter'
    __signature__ = ['android.content.Context', 'android.R']
    add = JavaMethod('java.lang.Object')
    addAll = JavaMethod('[Ljava.lang.Object;')
    remove = JavaMethod('java.lang.Object')
    clear = JavaMethod()

From this you see we set the __nativeclass__ property to the java class name this object is creating.

Next we define the __signature__ which is a list that defines the constructors used. Multiple signatures are not supported (as of now). If you want multiple signatures, either override __init__ to handle each, or just make a subclass for each constructor.

Then we define multiple JavaMethod properties that specify the name, type of arguments, and return type. You then just use them like you would a normal python class.

Example 2 - Using bridge objects

#: We can do a little magic for the style property
self.adapter = ArrayAdapter(self.get_context(), '@layout/simple_spinner_dropdown_item')


We'll cover how these calls are then serialized and handled in the next section. But first, let's cover a few more basics.

A field is similarly defined using JavaField and passing the field type.

Example 3 - Setting fields

class LayoutParams(JavaBridgeObject):
    __nativeclass__ = 'android.view.ViewGroup$LayoutParams'
    width = JavaField('int')
    height = JavaField('int')
    LAYOUTS = {
        'fill_parent': -1,
        'match_parent': -1,
        'wrap_content': -2

Also, these are just python objects, so you can define attributes as however needed.

Example 4 - Subclassing bridge objects

class MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams):
   __nativeclass__ = 'android.view.ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams'
   __signature__ = set_default(('int', 'int'))
   setMargins = JavaMethod('int', 'int', 'int', 'int')
   setLayoutDirection = JavaMethod('int')

class LinearLayoutLayoutParams(MarginLayoutParams):
    __nativeclass__ = 'android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams'
    gravity = JavaField('int')
    weight = JavaField('int')

Like python classes, you can extend other JavaBridgeObject instances and it will inherit all the methods, field, callbacks, etc, reducing the work you need to do.

Example 5 - Defining Java Callbacks

class RatingBar(ProgressBar):
    __nativeclass__ = 'android.widget.RatingBar'
    setIsIndicator = JavaMethod('boolean')
    setMax = JavaMethod('int')
    setNumStars = JavaMethod('int')
    setOnRatingBarChangeListener = JavaMethod('android.widget.RatingBar$OnRatingBarChangeListener')
    setRating = JavaMethod('float')
    setStepSize = JavaMethod('float')
    onRatingChanged = JavaCallback('android.widget.RatingBar', 'float', 'boolean')

Callbacks are defined using the JavaCallback property. You pass the types of parameters method receives. Then you can connect the callback to a handler as you would in PyQt or PySide.

Example 6 - Connecting Java Callbacks

self.widget = RatingBar(self.get_context())

#: Setup listener

def on_rating_changed(self, bar, rating, user):
    d = self.declaration
    with self.widget.setRating.suppressed():
        d.rating = rating

In this we see how you create the widget, set the listener to the id of the widget we created (will explain later), and then connect the callback to our handler on_rating_changed. The callback must accept the arguments passed from Java (you can also just use *args). All primitive types will be passed to the handler as is (ex, 'int', 'bool', etc..) anything else will be passed using a reference. More on references later.

This is doing some magic which I'll explain later (ex. the widget doesn't actually implement that interface!) , but for now just remember, define the listener or JavaCallback properties, set your listener to the id of the listening widget, and connect the callbacks to handlers you're interested in (unconnected handlers will do nothing).

Example 7 - Defining return values

class TabLayout(FrameLayout):
    __nativeclass__ = ''
    addTab = JavaMethod('$Tab')
    newTab = JavaMethod(returns='$Tab')
    #: etc..

Up until now this was all fairly simple and looks like normal synchronous python code. However, when we need to get return values from methods, or return values in callbacks, things become a little more tricky. Due to the fact that the bridge is asynchronous and batched together, results are returned as Futures that are implemented using whichever event loop you choose (twisted or tornado at the moment).

To tell the bridge we expect a return value from this method, you pass the returns argument along with the return type to the JavaMethod or JavaCallback constructor. This tells the bridge that the result needs sent back over the bridge (from either side).

When using a return with a JavaCallback, you simply return the value in your handler and the bridge will do the rest (assuming the python bridge can properly encode it).

Example 8 - Handling return values

from import AndroidApplication
app = AndroidApplication.instance()
for page in pages:
    tab = await self.widget.newTab()
    self.on_new_tab(tab, page)

Note: You can now use python's asyncio.Future and async/await syntax.

With JavaMethod returns values, as in the above example, the TabLayout.newTab method returns a newly created tab (Tabs have no public constructors). This value is returned asynchronously, what you actually get a is a Future object that will complete when the value is returned from Java. To do something when it is complete you have to add a callback on the future when it is done. You can do this by calling result.then(callback) on the resturned value (or use the app's method app.add_done_callback(result,callback)). You can also decorate your function (ex. @inlineCallbacks with twisted) and use the yield statement.

Example 9 - Creating references

    def on_new_tab(self, tab, page):
        tab = Tab(__id__=tab)
        d = page
        if d.title:

As mentioned earlier, primitive data types (those that can be packed with msgpack) such as int, boolean, long, string, etc.. are sent directly in callbacks and results. Objects, such as view or references (the Tab in the example above) are passed via a reference. The reference is simply an integer that can be casted to the object in python by passing the __id__ keyword argument when constructing a JavaBridgeObject. Once this is done, all of the method calls on that object will properly be sent to the correct object as if it were created in python.

Example 10 - Update now

self.widget.showLoading("Reloading....", now=True)

If you're about do do something that will take some time (loading a file, etc..) and you want to have the UI display an update before this happens, you can force the bridge to process events right away by passing the now=True keyword argument during a method call. This will tell the bridge to send out any pending events before returning.

That's about it (for now). There's plenty of examples in the package of how to use the bridge for you to look at. Feel free to create an issue with questions.


The iOS bridge implementation uses the CPython API for invoking python from Obj-C (ie callbacks) and uses ctypes for invoking the required bridge methods. It is designed to look and be used more like Swift than Obj-C.

The iOS bridge is implemented in three files:

  1. ENBridge in Objective-C
  2. enamlnative.ios.bridge in Python
  3. enamlnative.core.bridge in Python


In python, define a subclass of ObjcBridgeObject and declare the ObjcMethods, ObjcProperties, and ObjcCallbacks you need.

Example 1 - Defining Obj-C objects using the bridge

class UIButton(UIControl):
    __signature__ = [dict(buttonWithType='UIButtonType)]
    setTitle = ObjcMethod('NSString', dict(forState='UIControlState'))

Bridge objects are used to define how the bridge should pack and unpack the values over the bridge. Methods are defined like they are in Obj-C just instead of parameters adding to the method name setTitle_forName we pass a dictionary of possible keyword arguments and do the rest behind the scenes.

Example 2 - Using Obj-C bridge objects

button = UIButton(buttonWithType=UIButton.UIButtonTypeRoundedRect)
button.setTitle("Click me", forState=UIKit.ControlStateNormal)
button.frame = (15, 50, 300, 500)

There's a few things to note here.

First, it does not use the Obj-C like syntax that many other python/obj-c implementations do (pyobjc, pyobjus). It's more like Swift and it's more pythonic.


The bridge works by serializing every creation, method call, property assignment, and deletion, into a msgpack message which the native implementation then handles using reflection. You can set app.debug = True to see all the messages being sent back and forth.

Example 1 - Bridge serialization

    07-17 17:27:19.047 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ======== Py --> Native ======
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('c', (1, u'android.widget.LinearLayout', [('android.content.Context', ExtType(code=1, data='\xff'))]))
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('m', (1, 0, 'setOrientation', [('int', 1)]))
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('c', (2, u'', [('android.content.Context', ExtType(code=1, data='\xff'))]))
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('m', (2, 0, 'setBackgroundColor', [('', u'#004981')]))
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('m', (2, 0, 'setTitle', [('java.lang.CharSequence', u'Enaml Native - Intro')]))
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('m', (2, 0, 'setTitleTextColor', [('', u'#FFFFFF')]))
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('m', (2, 0, 'setSubtitleTextColor', [('', u'#EEEEEE')]))
    07-17 17:27:19.048 11491-11522/com.codelv.enamlnative.demo I/pybridge: ('m', (1, 0, 'addView', [('android.view.View', ExtType(code=1, data='\x02'))]))

The above is a small section of the log from the demo app in Android.

The message format depends on the command, the basic format is :

    ('<command 2>',(<args 2...>)),
    #: etc...

As you can see this is a batched list of calls each with a command and required arguments for that command. These commands then get processed by processEvents in or processEvents in ENBridge.m serially in the order in which they're received and then mapped to either do a creation, update, or deletion of the given object (and a few others). The objects created are stored in a cache with the given id and deleted when the python object get's garbage collected. The id is passed back as the reference id in callbacks so python can create a reference to objects constructed natively.

All arguments are packed in a tuple of (type, value) where type is simply a string that indicates the native type. Doing it this way we can properly handle conversion and do some tricks to reduce bridge load as discussed below.

Serialization and conversion

There's a few things you need to know about how conversion occurs when passing back and forth across the bridge:

  1. First, primitives are sent directly, strings, ints, bools, etc..
  2. Any BridgeObject is passed using a msgpack extension type and dereferenced (the data of the extension type is simply an ID of the object which must already exist)
  3. Some other tricks are used to minimize object creation in python and support things like implementing interfaces
Android conversion

In java, the method invoke commands are mapped to reflection calls that must match a given signature. The unpacker does a few things to make this easy. Look at the unpackValue method in (it's pretty simple).

  1. Passing an int for a method argument that is an interface will create a Proxy implementation of that interface using the int as a reference object to return invocations to. This is how the JavaCallback works.
  2. Passing a JavaBridgeObject will get mapped to the object with that id from the cache.
  3. Defining a signature that takes the an and passing a string argument
backgroundColor = JavaMethod('')

will get mapped to backgroundColor(int color) where the color is created using Color.parseColor(arg).

  1. Defining a signature that takes an android.R will get parsed as an android resources string and converted as needed. (ex. @layout/simple_spinner_dropdown_item is mapped to R.layout.simple_spinner_dropwdown_item)
iOS conversion

In iOS some similar techniques are used. See the convertArg method in ENBridge.m.

  1. Passing a string for a UIColor argument will parse the string and create a color for it
  2. Passing an array for a CGRect will create a rect using the array arguments (via CGRectMake)

More will be added as needed. You can define your own.

That's all for now! Cheers!